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Hyper Hand

Hyper-Hand is a top down twin stick action game made in Unreal Engine 4 over 6 weeks in which players control a floating hand who must defeat numerous and persistent enemy floating hands. Working in a team of 13 and communicating with various departments to customize and implement various forms of player conveyance (particle effects, sound effects, BGM, animation sequences). Recreated and isolated various bugs, promptly followed by resolving said bugs, found in different snippets of codes from different programmers.

The Hyper-Hand tutorial video. Focusing on the series of animations, some with particle effects, smoothly flowing between each other. Learned how to create and use animation blueprints, montages, and blend spaces to allow for smooth implementation of animations. This also includes implementing particle effects to play properly during the animations.
The implementation process for animations included searching blueprints for certain actions, taking apart the code to understand the timing of the different actions and subsequently connecting animation montages in the proper places in the code to play and convey the action properly.
The implementation process of the particle effects included searching the code for specific actions, understanding the code to find the timing of actions and the resulting events. For example, performing a punch and hitting an enemy would result in a particle effect spawning, where as not hitting one would not spawn a particle at all. Then, creating the particle effect in the correct location with proper scaling.

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