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Rapid Prototype Production

A series of prototypes created within 2 weeks while under creative constraints in teams of 4-5.

Creative constraint:  Beyond Entertainment


The constraint was to design an experience where the primary goal was not to entertain, but rather to educate. CreAtom is designed to teach the player about some aspects of molecular structure in atoms and to introduce how those atoms help to make up the different parts of the world.
Designed core gameplay and UI/UX. Implemented UI, sounds, and player conveyance.

Flick It

Creative constraint:  Mobile Development

Technical Designer

The constraint was just to build a game on a mobile platform. Flick It is a mobile multiplayer racing game where you must flick your finger across the screen in order to launch yourself forward and into new objects in order to continue to the end.

An interesting mechanic in the game, unseen in the video, is that upon taking control of certain objects, a video or advertisement will play on the other players' screens, preventing them from launching their character.

Designed core mechanics, implemented sounds, player conveyance, and a script to play custom videos with sound.

Crazy Cat Lady

Creative constraint:  Polish

Technical Designer

The constraint was to revisit a previous prototype of any team member to polish the artwork, remedy design flaws, work in someone else's code base, and add changes or general improvements. Crazy Cat Lady is (now) a third person game where the point of the game is to collect as many wild cats for your cat collection without getting caught by police officers.
Changed a tap-to-move mobile game into a 3rd person PC game. Changed main menu from a literal UI menu to an integrated scene in the world.

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